The Ken of Zen coaching model is designed based on Lean Leadership principles and strives to deliver maximum value for its clients. 

Results are the only real-life test of true learning. Lean leadership is about enabling and empowering people to grow professionally and personally. It challenges people to do their best. It develops others through coaching, supports the Kaizen approach to implementing change, creates a vision and aligns goals. It encourages innovation by experimenting and learning. At its core lean leadership is a coaching approach to producing outstanding results and assuring delivery of maximum value.

Lean Leadership has its roots in the search to deliver maximum customer value.

It’s origins are found in the Toyota Way and reflect 60+ years of striving for the Holy Grail of manufacturing: zero defects. But you need not be a product manufacturer to incorporate the essential elements of lean leadership. The role of every leader is to deliver results. The questions of how and what are part and parcel to a successful outcome.

Lean leadership principles applies to every organization that strives to deliver the best value to their customers and every individual who aspires to leadership. The core of this approach to leadership is the practice of respect for people. You show this through your interactions with your people.  It gets you out of the office and provides an opportunity to engage your people in the conversation about what they do and how.

With the Learning Model as its foundation, the aim of the Lean Leadership paradigm is to learn rather than assume what is actually happening—to see what happens rather than simply managing metrics and reading reports and apply these observations in the next iteration to improve results. 

If you feel energized by the possibilities the next move is yours. A year from now you will wish you had started today. Invest in your best self now. The journey of a thousand miles begins now. Your path starts here!

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