Startups are risky business. Your first priority is finding a scalable and repeatable business model.

What if there was a method that maximized learning at the lowest cost with the least risk in finding this model? Could you improve your chances for a successful launch?

The answer is yes.

There are a variety of methods that achieve this goal.

Lean Startup, Disciplined Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking provide a solid and proven approach to finding problems worth solving, validating problem-solution fit and finding product-market fit.

Each element is critical to a successful advance into your target market.

All are based on systematic low cost experiments to test and validate your ideas while the cost of failure is still relatively low.

Finding the gold amongst the rocks and debris takes tremendous effort. According to Barrick Gold’s mining statistics, it took anywhere from 2 tons to 91 tons of rock to produce just one once of gold.

You have to move and process and a lot of dirt to find an ounce of gold. Finding the pot of gold for your startup requires an efficient method to sort through the set of assumptions and assertions which define how you plan to create, deliver and capture value.

You’ll be moving a lot of dirt.

Bad ideas will be identified and removed.

Assumptions will be tested and validated.

In the process of finding both problem-solution fit and product-market fit you’ll have to move a lot of dirt. The right methods makes this process of discovery more efficient.

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